Microseismic Monitoring

Microseismic Monitoring

Using DAS for Microseismic Monitoring

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is a cost effective and easy to deploy solution that delivers a large quantity of densely spaced seismic sensors for passive monitoring of regional and induced seismicity.

The purpose built and patented design of Terra15’s Treble DAS interrogators makes them the first interrogators in the world to provide unbeatable sensitivity at the frequencies important for microseismic monitoring.

This extraordinary high frequency sensitivity combined with the Treble's gauge free operation can be used to detect, locate, and measure the seismic source parameters with industry leading results.

Is your seismic monitoring application in mining, energy, oil and gas or asset integrity?

If so, you can be confident the Treble will improve your operation and provide reliable and timely data for your choice of application.

Mining with Institute of Mine Seismology

IMS is the world's leading provider of microseismic monitoring technology to mines.

The Terra15 and IMS partnership provides miners with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data acquisition hardware, software, processing and interpretation services for seismic monitoring and imaging applications.

Leveraging the expertise and experience from this partnership ensures the best possible outcome is achieved above or below ground and optimises the safety and geophysical characterisation of your mine site.

Find out more on our partner page or the IMS website:

Terra15 Partner Page   IMS Website

Infrastructure, Energy and Oil & Gas with MicroSeismic, Inc.

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) provides a new level of monitoring capabilities to a number of applications in the Energy, Oil & Gas sectors.

MicroSeismic, Inc. in Texas, USA formed a strategic partnership with Terra15 to provide comprehensive turnkey monitoring solutions for geoscience and civil engineering applications.

The partnership will support carbon sequestration, geothermal stimulation, hydraulic fracturing, sinkhole growth and development as well as monitoring of critical infrastructure.

Find out more on our partner page or the MicroSeismic, Inc. website:

Terra15 Partner Page   MicroSeismic Website
